De Interés en Kirguistan


El Parque Nacional Serengueti es un parque nacional de grandes proporciones (13.000 km2) en Tanzania, África. Es famoso por las migraciones anuales de miles de ñúes. Está situado en las coordenadas 2°20′S 34°34′E / -2.333, 34.567.
Los cinco grandes animales del parque, así llamados por los cazadores desde hace años son el león, el leopardo, el elefante, el rinoceronte y el búfalo del Cabo. El parque también es hogar de hienas, guepardos, cebras, aves rapaces y muchas otras especies.
Cerca del parque se encuentra la Garganta de Olduvai, donde se han encontrado muchos fósiles y artefactos de homínidos. El parque es limítrofe con la Zona de conservación de Ngorongoro, que forma parte del gran ecosistema del Serengueti.
El Parque Nacional Serengueti fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1981.


A hidden jewel, Cambodia, like its temples, is only recently being resurfaced. The charming people, warm atmosphere and incredible history combine to make Cambodia an essential element of any journey in Indochina.
The Khmer Empire in all its former glory can be seen at the magnificent temples of Angkor, a perfect fusion of creative ambition and spiritual devotion of former for the traveller. An often overlooked for the traveller. An often overlooked emperors. This World Heritage Site and the fabled temples therein provide endless fascinating insights into the rich history of this incredible country.


A hidden jewel, Cambodia, like its temples, is only recently being resurfaced. The charming people, warm atmosphere and incredible history combine to make Cambodia an essential element of any journey in Indochina.
The Khmer Empire in all its former glory can be seen at the magnificent temples of Angkor, a perfect fusion of creative ambition and spiritual devotion of former for the traveller. An often overlooked for the traveller. An often overlooked emperors. This World Heritage Site and the fabled temples therein provide endless fascinating insights into the rich history of this incredible country.